CHES Spring 2022 Unit Study
Five Thursday Mornings - 9:00am - 12 noon
|Yates-Thagard Baptist Church
Join other CHES Families at the Ancient Egypt Spring Unit Study.

Time & Location
Five Thursday Mornings - 9:00am - 12 noon
Yates-Thagard Baptist Church, 3820 Vass-Carthage Rd, Carthage, NC 28327, USA
About the Event
The deadline to register for the CHES Ancient Egypt Unit Study is Tuesday, February 1, 2022. We want to let everyone know that we need a minimum of 18 families participating in order to have enough teachers. If 18 families have not signed up by February 1st, we will cancel the unit study.
Join other CHES Families as we learn about the Ancient Egypt! We will study the People, History, Culture, Science and Technology, Art and Literature from Ancient Egypt.
What: CHES Ancient Egypt Unit Study
When: Thursday Mornings - 8:50 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. (February 17, 24, March 3, 10, and 17)
Target Audience: All CHES members and students
Where: Yates-Thagard Baptist Church, 3820 Vass-Carthage Rd, Carthage, NC
Cost: $10 per student; $30 maximum per family (collected at first class session)
Students will be divided into different age/grade level groups and will learn about the History, Art/Literature, Culture, People, and Science/Technology of the time period. Students will also have a designated snack break with snacks packed from home. Nursery care will be provided for infants or toddlers who are too young to participate. PreK and all grade levels above are encouraged to attend. The deadline to register is Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
A planning meeting for parents will be held on February 3rd at Yates-Thagard at 6:30 and teaching teams/student groups will be assigned. Teaching teams will be provided with a list of suggested topics/ideas for their classes and will have two weeks to then coordinate and prepare within their group. Our CHES Unit Studies are always an enriching and rewarding experience for both students and parents! Please plan to join us!
Please list the student’s name and grade level (or nursery if infant or toddler) on the sign-up form. Also, please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice for your role at the Unit Study. We will do our best to give each parent their 1st or 2nd choice of assignments. Please do not be apprehensive about teaching, as the Unit Study is designed to be hands-on, interesting, and fun for the students and the parents. Choices include:
-History (a chronological study of the major events of the time period)
-Culture (a look at the way of life, fashion, and entertainment of the time period)
-People (a different person from the time period highlighted in-depth each week)
-Science/Technology (a look at inventions and discoveries of the time period)
-Art/Literature (a look at the art, stories and language that enhanced that time period)
-Nursery Worker (two dedicated workers to care for young children)
Please Read and Confirm that You Understand and Agree to our Unit Study Policies:
Due to the COVID19 we asking the following:
When anyone has recent or present symptoms of illness please do not enter the facility or attend classes: Such as: flu like symptoms, fever, body aches, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, coughing, shortness of breath, etc.
If anyone has had recent contact with a person who has COVID, or the flu, or a viral respiratory infection, or who has tested positive for COVID, please do not enter the facility or attend classes until a proper time of quarantine has expired.
If anyone has attended classes and has become ill with COVID, or the flu, or a viral respiratory infection, this must be reported to one of the Unit Study leaders so that we can communicate this with so that proper measures can be taken for the protection of other Unit Study participants and the church.
Personal Hygiene:
Please ensure to use frequent hand-washing and hand sanitizing practices while using the facility. (Hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom).
Facemasks are not mandated but neither are they discouraged. Please use your discretion whether your situation should require facemasks or not.
Facility Sanitation:
CHES Ancient Egypt Unit Study will be responsible for sanitizing all high-touch areas in classrooms and restrooms. Such as: door knobs, table surfaces, chairs, appliances, faucets, etc.
Please refrain from using other classrooms, or other areas of the building, or equipment or instruments not requested or designated for your ministry use.
Minimal toys will be available in the nursery, and everything must be sanitized at the end of each day.
Please sign up by using the following link: Spring Unit Study 2022